Saturday, April 26, 2014

History and Veggies at PAR Davies

Hi Everyone,

TODAY'S HARVEST 8 lbs.            YTD 48 lbs.

I thought I was going to be singing Carl Wayne's hymn today but then Martha showed up! I'm sorry you all missed the neat stuff going on at Davies today. The Shelby County History Festival/Reenactment was happening. When I first got there I didn't see many people, but when we left there were more folks walking around in period costumes. Cool.

Horses and buggies with a trailer....old with the new.

Cooking breakfast in camp.

Okay, now down to garden business. We were absolutely amazed at what the rain did to make things really take off. I didn't think the peas were ever going to do anything, but now I can see that we should have a nice crop.

Alaska Peas climbing and blooming with radishes in front
 and tiny carrots in front of the radishes.

All of the lettuces look great, although the voles are partial to the Romaine. The several varieties of radishes were huge and beautiful. Some of the lettuce and radishes needed to be picked today, so I called the halfway house (Women Ablaze Ministries), and they were delighted to get fresh from the garden produce. We had to thin out some of the onions to make room for a tomato plant, so green onions were included too. What great ingredients for a salad.

 Heads of Rougette de Montpellier lettuce at the top and light green 
Nevada Batavia lettuce with Lutz beets along the sides.

And more lettuce planted in block holes....forgot the name of this, but it's pretty.

I noticed that the muscadine is alive and finally leafing out! I thought it was a goner. The kale and cabbage looked good with no evidence of cabbage worms after Mary Elizabeth sprayed. We will have to keep a close eye on these since the rain probably washed most of the Bt off.

Martha finished up planting all the tomatoes. We didn't get the peppers planted as anticipated, since we decided to make a harvest and delivery. Another zucchini was planted with row cover and same procedure as the last one. There are still two butternuts and a yellow summer squash to plant for our early squash crop. Most of the basil was planted, but there is still some purple basil to put in.

Spinach bed.

I am glad we planted the spinach thick, because there are some spaces in between. I think this was the result of us not incorporating the new mix in with the older more fertile soil and not holding moisture very well. I believe some of the seedlings just dried out in-between waterings. But what survived looks really good and we should be able to pick some Wednesday.


Lastly, check out the mushrooms. I was so glad to see these. Mushrooms in the garden used to disgust me, but now I know they indicate healthy soil. 

'Til later,

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