Thursday, May 30, 2013

Mystery at PAR Davies 5/29/13


We had a hard working group Wednesday morning…Suzanne, Jamie, G.A., Cathy, Susan, Melba, John, Ann, newcomer Greg Meeks and myself. We harvested peas, onions, chard, broccoli, garlic scapes and herbs. All of the broccoli was harvested, the beds cleaned out, and ready to plant something else. We didn't get as good a broccoli harvest in the spring as the fall planting because of the heads going to seed too fast. However, the cabbage looks better, and we should be able to harvest some nice big heads next week. Cathy made the delivery to the women's shelter, and we included a sheet explaining the scapes and how to use them.

Ya see that zucchini?
We uncovered the squash bed to see what was going on, and look what we found! The self pollinators seem to be doing their thing with no evidence of the SB's and SVB's (Squash bugs and squash vine borers.) There were lots of blossoms and little squashes. We may have to hand pollinate the yellow squash; we will know by next week if that is necessary. So, if things progress as they have been, we should be harvesting squash next week! While the cover was off we fertilized with comfrey tea and covered backup again. In the words of C.W. and now my words…ain't God good!

G.A., Greg and Jamie picked the last of the in-ground bed of peas and pulled out all the vines. They then prepared the bed for planting, and planted two double rows of okra. John took care of mulching some of the in-ground plants and watered them along with the container plants. Jamie mulched the sweet potato bed. We re-seeded spots in several beds that didn't all germinate. In addition to squash and cabbage next week, we should be able to start harvesting some of the garlic. I will need volunteers to take some home with them to spread out and dry.

Melba harvesting garlic scapes
We found this (below) growing amongst the garlic. At first we thought it was corn, and now we don't know. Does anyone have a clue what it is? Whatever, it will be removed next week.

The mystery plant with what looks like grainy heads
The beet bed was weeded with many little trees removed. The beets are looking good as are the carrots and onions, and the melons are coming along after a rocky start. The voles are at it again with the potatoes in addition to a carrot being destroyed. The trap is not working, but has been moved over by the potatoes.

Below is a picture of our busy gardeners. We really got a lot accomplished today, and it was starting to heat up as we were getting ready to leave.

It's hot in the sunny part!
'Til later,

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